You Are Here: Home» Matthew WilkinsonLuck , Poems » Matthew WilkinsonLuck - You Failed To Realise

Fuck this!

I wish I could have seen
how blind I was to think
you would come to your senses
I am young and na? ve,
so easy to deceive
I realised my mistakes far to late
And you clearly didn't even see...

He cut you loose
yet you still waited on his every word
You had no clue what to do
You fawned like a little girl
Yet in those moments of sanity
You frowned more than you laughed...

You still care for Him though
And ran back to be a part of his little show
Like a perfectly pathetic shadow

I tried to warn you
Even offered you a raft
But you burnt that bridge

Fuck it
I'm actually not surprised
it came to this
You complained you couldn't find the source of the pain.
That's funny.
Look what you gained now...

I was right
and yet at the same time
I was wrong
I lit the path for you
but you just slammed the door
In my face
Refusing to embrace the
logical Escape
Choosing rather to fumbling
in the dark
Choosing to burn the ship
Loosing the sunset

Do you even remember what you stood by before?

You feared the unknown
craved the old
you weren't bold
you took his lies
as if they were gold.

Such an ignorant fool
But you seem to be overjoyed
With this painful routine
Of playing the jester
To his whims

My Love for you is
accompanied by
Replaced only by