Dear All,
Please like and be connected with our facebook page "Literature Regard" for updates and news! All article submission are accepted in facebook page and Email of our Editors. You can email to send contributions or contribute in facebook page. The articles which are most voted, commented, liked by people and editors will be published in Literature Regard online Magazine/ Website. As always send any comment to our facebook page.
Yours Faithful,
Co-Editor in Literature Regard
Editor from Bangladesh in Literature Regard
Please like and be connected with our facebook page "Literature Regard" for updates and news! All article submission are accepted in facebook page and Email of our Editors. You can email to send contributions or contribute in facebook page. The articles which are most voted, commented, liked by people and editors will be published in Literature Regard online Magazine/ Website. As always send any comment to our facebook page.
Yours Faithful,
Co-Editor in Literature Regard
Editor from Bangladesh in Literature Regard