Unique Pet and his Unique Friend!
My cousin, Ahnaf who is very cute. He likes to keep pet. One day, he got a box in the dustbin. He could see two kittens inside that box. "How unlucky the pets were! Nobody cared for them? Man could be so cruel?" But Ahnaf wasn't so cruel. He used to love pet a lot. So he decided to tame those kittens by himself and fulfill his promise. He built a house for the kittens. There he kept their bed foam, pillows etc. He gave milk and fish to his pets. After few days, the pets came to know him well. They agreed to make him their master. They were very caring for him as Ahnaf was caring too! The kittens were very different. One was black and another was white. Maybe they were brothers. Ahnaf takes care of his pets a lot. After his coaching and school finishes, he spends three hours with his pets. He doesn't care about his studies. He spends his most of his time by playing with his pet. He train and exercise his pets regularly. He gives foods to his pets regularly and at right moment. He trains his pet by jumping from stairs, running with him and catches him. But few days back, I heard that his one pet had died by an accident. A motor cycle ran over him. How sad he was! He was weeping and crying so loudly!! His feelings towards his pets attracted me a lot when I visit his house and heard more. His feelings towards them were true and so lively. He would touch his pets ‘stomach and if he would see thin stomach, He felt that they were hungry.